Angel House programs
Residential Care
Our residential center offers a nurturing and secure environment for up to twenty young children, ranging from newborns to ten-year-olds. This thoughtfully-designed home features four spacious bedrooms and a versatile main area for dining and engaging in various activities. Our extensive grounds offer ample space for kids to explore on bicycles, climb trees, participate in basketball, soccer and badminton, or simply relax on the swing set.

Educational Assistance
Our funds from GPS Renting LLC provides support for forty elementary school students whose families face financial constraints preventing them from sending their children to school. In addition to covering all school fees, we also provide uniforms, school bags, and essential school supplies. We stipulate that scholars must maintain 90% attendance as we firmly believe that education is the pivotal factor in breaking the cycle of poverty.

Feeding program
Given the high number of underprivileged households in the Philippines and the fact that rice is a fundamental part of their diet, we initiated a feeding intervention. Supported by GPS Renting LLC, this program aims to provide a monthly allocation of a 25kg bag of rice to twenty of the most destitute families. Recognizing the detrimental effects of malnutrition on both health and academic performance, this intervention plays a crucial role in supporting vulnerable families.

Day-care support
Angel House extends its support to the seven Day-care centers located in the barangay of Batobato. These government-operated centers are dedicated to imparting basic academic and socialization skills to children aged three to four years old. They serve as a strong foundation for students who will transition to pre-school at the age of five, and operate on weekdays during the morning hours. Unfortunately, these buildings often suffer from neglect and disrepair. In response, Angel House has undertaken the task of funding the renovation of all seven Day-care centers. These funds help in repairing broken furniture and enhancing the centers' appearance by painting them in vibrant colors. Furthermore, we provide funds for valuable resources such as books, writing supplies, and educational toys. Our aim is to create an engaging environment that fosters a love for learning and enables children to enjoy their early educational experience.